===== Administrative Personnel ===== ~~NOCACHE~~ See the [[people:all_people_multi-col|all people]] list, the [[people:faculty_directory|faculty]] list and the list of [[https://matrix.math.binghamton.edu/cgi-bin/dept/mysql/create_comm_chairs|Chairs of committees]]. * **Chair:** \\ Marcin Mazur\\ Office: WH 122\\ Phone: (607) 777-2148\\ Email: [[mazur@math.binghamton.edu|mmazur@binghamton.edu]]\\ \\ * **Math department office Secretaries:** \\ Email: [[mathoffice@binghamton.edu|mathoffice@binghamton.edu]]\\ Dianne Anderson: Phone (607) 777-2148 \\ Diana Heggelke: Phone (607) 777-2147 \\ Office: WH 122A\\ \\ * **Math department financial coordinator and building manager:** \\ Grace Holton\\ Office: WH 100D\\ Phone: (607) 777-4243\\ Email: [[gholton@binghamton.edu|gholton@binghamton.edu]]\\ \\ /* {{url>https://matrix.math.binghamton.edu/cgi-bin/dept/mysql/create_comm_chairs 75em,130em noscroll noborder center}} */