Table of Contents



Choose an existing dataset or collect your own data, and carry out data analyses to explain the relationships among the variables involved. You can also compare performance of different statistical tools for prediction or classification, using the chosen dataset.


For this project you are supposed to work with 1-2 persons and submit a joint report. If you cannot find a team member, they will be assigned to you.

Grading policies

Team members will receive the same grade for the project and it is up to you to make sure that the work is shared equitably. The total points of the project is 100 points, which can be divided into three parts:

  1. Project Proposal (20 pts).
  2. Presentation (40 pts): each team will give a 20 minutes presentation of the project; (dates to be assigned)
  3. Final report (40 pts)



Find your own data set online, you will find plenty;

Popular collections of publicly-available datasets:

Some institional collections of data:
