Evariste Galois Emmy Noether

The Algebra Seminar

If we have a normal semester, the seminar will meet in-person on Tuesdays in room WH-100E at 2:50 p.m. There should be refreshments served at 4:00 in room WH-102. If the COVID Delta variant resurgence causes us to change the plan, we would go back to having only zoom talks. Currently we are required to use masks for all indoor campus events, so all speakers and attendees must wear masks in the Algebra Seminar.

Anyone wishing to give a talk in the Algebra Seminar this semester is requested to contact the organizers at least one week ahead of time, to provide a title and abstract. If a speaker prefers to give a zoom talk, the organizers will need to be notified at least one week ahead of time, and a link will be posted on this page.

If needed, the following link would be used for a zoom meeting (Meeting ID: 981 8719 2351) of the Algebra Seminar:

Algebra Seminar Zoom Meeting Link

Organizers: Alex Feingold and Hung Tong-Viet

To receive announcements of seminar talks by email, please join the seminar's mailing list.

Fall 2021